Investment criteria

Single investment size from our own resources ranges from 1 to 10m EUR which can be further extended by an additional bank financing. Hence, the total purchase price should range from 1 to 20m EUR.

The ideal investment would be into a successful and profitable company with own management, which is interested in further development of the company. The field of business is not a decisive criterion.

We prefer acquisition of a majority share, but we are ready to be minority shareholders with trustworthy partners.

We will happily allow other investors or managers to become our partners and shareholders in a particular investment.

As we use mainly our own resources, we are independent of bank financing. This enables us to be very agile and flexible and also allows us to employ a custom-made approach to each investment.

1 – 10 mil Euro
1 – 20m EUR
Úspěšná a zisková firma
Successful and profitable company
Vlastní management
Own management
Preferujeme majoritu, ale nevadí nám minoritní podíl
We prefer a majority share but we don't mind having a minority share